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[ NNSquad ] New Zealand Government Rushes Through Controversial Anti-Piracy Law

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Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 []
Subject: New Zealand Government Rushes Through Controversial Anti-Piracy Law
To: lauren@vortex.com

Hi Lauren

You might be interested in what's happening in New Zealand (NZ) on the  
fire sharing front.

This is LARGELY in response to HEAVY & CONSTANT U.S. Govt pressure on the 
NZ (right-wing) Govt in ACTA & TPP trade discussions to toughen up NZ law 
more in line with the U.S. US lobbyist saw NZ law as too weak and not 
compliment enough (in U.S. terms). NZ is also trying to get a "free trade" 
agreement with the U.S. Already NZ has far freer trade than the U.S. but 
the U.S. is VERY unhappy with our "compliance" with U.S. film and music 
industries and ESPECIALLY our pharmaceuticals which are WAY cheaper than in 
the U.S. 'Naturally' the U.S. Pharmaceuticals interests who have the PAID 
ear of your Govt representative can't stand for that.

At the bottom (of this email), from Torrent freak

Firefox Add-on ‘Undoes’ U.S. Government Domain Seizures


       New Zealand Government Rushes Through Controversial Anti-Piracy

     The file-sharing bill
     <http://publicaddress.net/hardnews/the-file-sharing-bill/> New Zealand

The Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Act is an inadequate  
piece of law -- albeit one markedly better than what it was designed to  
replace -- passed overnight in vile circumstances.

Some helpful links if you want non-shouty facts on this new NZ law:



   New Zealand: Controversial Internet Piracy Bill Becomes Law

April 14th, 2011

If at first you don’t succeed, try again under urgency  

Via: Stuff  

/A bill that could see internet users have their access cut off if they  
repeatedly share copyright material has been passed by Parliament./


The Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill, which aims to  
stamp out internet piracy, passed by 111 votes to 11 this morning.


/It was supported by all parties except the Greens and independent MPs  
Chris Carter and Hone Harawira./

Posted in Police State <http://cryptogon.com/?cat=6>, Surveillance  
<http://cryptogon.com/?cat=4>, Technology <http://cryptogon.com/?cat=12> | 
Top Of Page <http://cryptogon.com/?p=21797#>

     7 Responses to “New Zealand: Controversial Internet Piracy Bill
     Becomes Law”

  1. tochigi Says:
     April 14th, 2011 at 8:13 am

     these pricks (the bunch of criminals currently mascarading as the
     “New Zealand Government”) seem to have reached some sort of new
     plane of nirvana-like impunity–for their own actions only though.
     like the US, NZ has an ingenious “two-party system” of “democracy”
     (wink, wink).

     anyway, for your further amusement:

  2. tochigi Says:
     April 14th, 2011 at 9:03 am

     nz “democracy” (sic) at work!
     sock puppets R us! oozing with ignorance, and proud!
     a paraphrased summary (the vids above are parliamentary speeches
     during the law’s passing under urgency) for those who don’t want
     to waste their time listening to this shit:

     “we will do ANYTHING for the Hollywood-Studio-and-RIAA-mafia! but
     we don’t hve a grasp of anything. quick, make us cabinet ministers!”

     111 votes for
     11 votes against

     “sham” is hardly strong enough to describe this abomination.

  3. Kevin <http://cryptogon.com> Says:
     April 14th, 2011 at 9:56 am

     Somewhere there’s a story about how the government paid for
     limousines to carry the Warner Bros. executives around during the
     Hobbit flap. Remember that madness?

     It was like a dire national security situation was unfolding with
     breaking news updates and all the rest. Warner Bros. crooks were
     meeting directly with the PM. *sigh* To me, it looked like a sad
     cargo cult ritual, and I definitely wasn’t the only one who felt
     that way. This legislation was, I have no doubt, part of the
     bowing down and ring kissing.

     I wonder how many outages will be caused by the ISPs trying to
     implement the filters? This whole thing is held together with duct
     tape on a good day and forcing all the companies to inspect every
     bit of traffic for naughtiness isn’t going to be a trivial
     technical undertaking. Ah well. Maybe they’ll get the Narus suite
     of surveillance tools up and running here!

     But at least the Hobbit will probably be a good show.


  4. Kevin <http://cryptogon.com> Says:
     April 14th, 2011 at 10:01 am

     Here it is:

     Govt paid $6000 limo tab for Warner Bros in Hobbit talks


  5. tochigi Says:
     April 14th, 2011 at 2:53 pm

     National Party govts, since their inception in 1949 have always
     been f***ing awful, but this bunch of shysters seem to know no
     bounds of f***ing awfulness. in the past, there was always one of
     two cabinet ministers and a handful of National MPs who would be
     relatively trustworthy and call out the worst bullshit. but among
     this slimy collection of chancers i cannot detct a single one
     worth their salt. and it is made worse by the faker “Labour” Party
     who are also about as trustworthy as, i dunno, a plague of GS
     salesmen with a suitcase of toxic CDO tranches.

     case study: “the dumbing down of a whole country in 30 short
     years”… an ethnographers’ field day.

  6. bloodnok Says:
     April 14th, 2011 at 9:41 pm

     The first sentence of the Stuff article should have read:

     “A bill that could see internet users have their access cut off if
     they repeatedly *accused* of sharing copyright material has been
     passed by Parliament.”

     Might have also been helpful to note that this wonderful law also
     lets the accused make a submission if they believe they are
     innocent, however the accuser gets to judge on that submission.

  7. bloodnok Says:
     April 14th, 2011 at 9:56 pm

     Some helpful links if you want non-shouty facts on this new NZ law:



     So, it could have been worse. Make no mistake: This is still a bad
     law, however it’s a lot weaker than the one initially proposed as
     part of the ACTA treaty. (aka: “Thank you for the beating, kind
     master. I appreciate your infinite mercy in making this beating
     slightly less harsh than normal”)

And finally

In response to the US ICE domain seizures

Firefox Add-on ‘Undoes’ U.S. Government Domain Seizures
Firefox Add-on ‘Undoes’ U.S. Government Domain Seizures  

The FireFox addon is here

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