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[ NNSquad ] Paul Vixie on COICA: On Mandated Content Blocking in the Domain Name System
(My comments: The US government is creating an IncumbentNet, and if it succeeds it will not need to deal with the thin social contract of the actual Internet that Vixie describes in this article, at least within the boundaries of the IncumbentNet. The dynamic Vixie describes holds up until those who administer lines are few and they can set policies for them according to their own whims [and those of the government]. Then the dynamic would only exist between dominated locales, not between all connected end users within those locales. And those locales would then negotiate consensus among themselves. If this comes to pass, Vixie's vision of how things work will become a relic of a halcyon past. -- Seth) Paul Vixie (on COICA): On Mandated Content Blocking in the Domain Name System > http://www.circleid.com/posts/20110318_on_mandated_content_blocking_in_the_domain_name_system/ Opening passage: "COICA (Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act) is a legislative bill introduced in the United States Senate during 2010 that has been the topic of considerable debate. After my name was mentioned during some testimony before a Senate committee last year I dug into the details and I am alarmed. I wrote recently about interactions between DNS blocking and Secure DNS and in this article I will expand on the reasons why COICA as proposed last year should not be pursued further in any similar form."