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[ NNSquad ] YouTube becoming a strategic model for parent Google

YouTube becoming a strategic model for parent Google

http://j.mp/fTgZ7x  (L.A. Times)

     "I think 995 of the next 1,000 TV channels will be created on
      YouTube," said Hunter Walk, YouTube's director of product management.
      With more than 600 workers, YouTube remains a sliver of 25,000-person
      Google. But YouTube plans to increase its workforce by more than 30%
      in 2011, an even faster pace of growth than the parent company.
      "We've got a lot of stuff we want to build, and we're going to need
      some more people to do that," said Judy Gilbert, YouTube's human
      resources chief, who, with Kamangar and former Google Books chief Dan
      Clancy, is one of several Google executives now at YouTube.

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