NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] Re: Canada goes crazy
(Thanks to Aleks for this pointer)
The idea of charging people for bits consumed is a crazy idea since you
aren't consuming bits. We've been through this before - do I need to explain
once again how bad the idea is?
. It creates scarcity. A copper wire (or fiber or radio) is just
sitting there idle. We limit how much can be used.
. Even if there is a temporary constriction somewhere else it means
we can't use the capacity locally. To take it to an extreme imagine if there
is such a limit in your house - you can't copy too many files between your
. FiOS VoD, for example, goes over IP through my router. I can't
watch much "TV" [sic] if the limit is applied to those bits. If the limit is
not applied we have a vertical playing field where the provider has all the
. Any sane price doesn't allow making video affordable if we're
going to make the cost of other uses visible.
. As with SMS any market that permits prices to be millions of time
cost (determined by competition with Moore's law) isn't really a market in a
useful sense. It's rent taking gone to hostage taking.
But basically it shows a deep inability to comprehend the very concept of
connectivity using best efforts. It's railroaders banning the use of roads
unless you buy a ticket for a ride every time you leave your driveway even
if it is just to reorder the cars in the driveway.
Others care to add to the reasons why this is crazy?
[ And coming soon to a U.S. ISP near you (and me) too, I'll wager.
Since the FCC chairman has shown no interest in including any
sort of pricing or realistically effective competition-enhancing
elements in his proposed "third-way" regulatory plan, the
dominant ISPs are ensured a captive audience of users who will
"pay through their noses until their skulls are a vacuum" (as one
high level ISP executive expressed it to me yesterday --
picturesque, this guy, and a master of invective as well ...)
-- Lauren Weinstein
NNSquad Moderator ]