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[ NNSquad ] Video: Broadband Breakfast on FCC Reporting and Analysis

Hello all -- Last week I went to this month's Broadband Breakfast,
which was attended by Paul de Sa, John Horrigan and Michelle Connolly,
three current and former FCC staffers working in the area of
reporting, analysis and strategy and policy planning. de Sa is the
Chief of the Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis and was
the keynote speaker.

You can find my participation at 40 mins and 40 seconds in at the
following video link:

Setting the Table for the National Broadband Plan: Collecting and
Using Broadband Data: How Will We Improve the Process?
> http://broadbandbreakfast.com/2010/02/broadband-breakfast-club-on-collecting-and-using-data-now-online/

My mission was to impress on them that they should delineate a general
purpose platform category in their analyses, and to make sure they
understand that this is a way of assuring the principle of a neutral
Internet even if the FCC turns out not to have the authority to set a
rule for net neutrality.  It also prevents the muddying of the waters
that comes from the "reasonable network management" framing and the
debates over the role of Quality of Service.

Hopefully I managed to get them to recognize the usefulness of doing

I provided them with copies of my independent submission to the FCC on
this concept, which you can access here:
> http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/view?id=7020378855
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/25267644/Seth-Johnson-Comments-on-Preserving-the-

I also provided copies of the pages of the Dynamic Platform Standards
Project website:
> http://www.dpsproject.com

Since this was the right context for it, I laid copies on the table at
the entrance of the "Executive Summary" and "Implications for
Broadband" portions of Bruce Kushnick's "History, Financial
Commitments and Outcomes of Fiber Optic Broadband Deployment in
America: 1990-2004:"
> http://www.newnetworks.com/FCCCITIbroadband.pdf
