NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] T-Mobile suffers major (nationwide or nearly so?) outage
T-Mobile suffered a major outage today. The exact scale is still unclear, but clearly various areas around the U.S. were affected, including voice, data, and SMS. Service currently appears to be completely up here in my area of L.A., though I haven't tried to use T-M in several hours and could have missed any outage (Update: user reports on the T-M discussion forum do indicate that L.A. was down at some point -- for up to four hours). Anecdotal reports suggest that service has been restored in some areas but not necessarily for all of voice/data/SMS, and that in some areas voice calls were disrupted but 3G data continued working throughout the outage. Obviously some failure of their backbone network and/or authentication services. More to come. --Lauren-- NNSquad Moderator