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[ NNSquad ] Comcast demos Internet video-on-demand product

Brian Roberts of Comcast demoed their "video on demand on steroids"
product at the Web 2.0 summit, saying, "I think video over the net is
friend, not foe."

http://bit.ly/2yw9nN  (NewTeeVee)

A different take on his performance:

http://bit.ly/2pxZpO  (CNet)

There has been much related media converage, and various points appear
to be rather blurred.  For example, while this particular service is
Internet delivered, and so presumably subject to any Internet
usage/bandwidth caps, there is also discussion of integration with
set-top boxes and DVRs, which would likely confuse this picture.

There's also word that Comcast plans to rapidly increase their
inventory of "traditionally" delivered (to set-top boxes, so for sure
not subject to usage/bandwidth caps) video-on-demand TV/movies from
10K to 20K programs.

But who will be in control of the cross-platform models?

http://bit.ly/3yC66I  (MediaPost)

Obviously, much more to come.

NNSquad Moderator