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[ NNSquad ] TW Letter: No more free cable service, you deadbeat you!

Greetings.  Today I received the strangest telecom-related letter I've
ever had the confused displeasure to read.

Time Warner Cable informs me that the glory days are over, that
they're cutting off my *free* cable service.

Huh?  Excuse me?  FREE?  As in not paying?  Man, have they ever
got an F connector loose somewhere.  Nice of them to send me this
bizarro communique the same week that my cable modem service has
been on the fritzomania.  That's the NON-FREE cable modem service,
I might add.  Very non-free, like all the other services from TW.

Anyone else receive one of these wacky informational gems?

Letter: http://bit.ly/13Rv08

Maybe they found out about NNSquad.  Naw, just kidding ...

Remember, always be polite to the customer service rep!

NNSquad Moderator