NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] Re: Bell Canada proposal to cap wholesale customers
Bell Canada has submitted a proposal to the CRTC to allow it to cap bandwidth usage of wholesale customers (mostly independent ISPs). The independent ISPs are concerned that this will essentially eliminate the possibility of 'unlimited bandwidth' type offerings to their customers.
Wes Felter - wesley@felter.org
[ It doesn't need to be grim. But the complexity of the broadband environment (technically, economically, and politically) is such that "single-category" solutions are unlikely to be adequate in isolation, particulary when we start off with inadequate information about what's really going on. Historically, these are the sorts of situations where carefully tuned regulatory approaches have needed to be introduced and evolved over periods of time. The analogies between broadband access issues and past industrial controversies such as oil industry competition and railroads are not insignificant. To better understand the future, it's often very useful to pay closer attention to the past.
-- Lauren Weinstein NNSquad Moderator ]