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[ NNSquad ] Bell Canada proposal to cap wholesale customers

Bell Canada has submitted a proposal to the CRTC to allow it to cap
bandwidth usage of wholesale customers (mostly independent ISPs). The
independent ISPs are concerned that this will essentially eliminate the
possibility of 'unlimited bandwidth' type offerings to their customers.

The submission from Bell Canada also comes at an interesting time when
the CRTC has recently allowed it to throttle wholesale customers for
'network management' purposes. In addition there are CRTC public
hearings scheduled in the next few months to investigate the general
issues relating to network management and throttling.


Bell Canada has been struggling to be profitable over the last decade or
so - my guess is that this translates into a lack of investment in
infrastructure upgrades. Now it seems that they are trying to find any
means of avoiding spending the larger sums of money now required to
bring their networks to a standard that will support current Internet
usage patterns. There is also a clear anti-competitive aspect to the
impacts on wholesale customers where throttling and capping force
independent ISPs to limit their offerings to be similar to what Bell
Canada Internet Service already offers to it's residential customers.