NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] CenturyTel uses DPI to determine browsing habits for targeted advertising
CenturyTel Inc., a Monroe, La., phone company that provides Internet access and long-distance calling services, is facing stiff competition from cellphone companies and cable operators. So to diversify, it's getting into the online-advertising business. CenturyTel's system allows it to observe and analyze the online activities of its Internet customers, keeping tabs on every Web site they visit. The equipment is made by a Silicon Valley start-up called NebuAd Inc. and installed right into the phone company's network. NebuAd takes the information it collects and offers advertisers the chance to place online ads targeted to individual consumers. NebuAd and CenturyTel get paid whenever a consumer clicks on an ad. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119690164549315192.html?mod=todays_us_nonsub_marketplace -- Robb Topolski (robb@funchords.com) Hillsboro, Oregon USA http://www.funchords.com/ [ As far as I am concerned, this sort of behavior is utterly and completely unacceptable from a conventional ISP at the primary Internet access level, whether or not an "opt-out" is offered. And I love the part in the story where they claim that sites related to "sex, health, or politics" aren't tracked. Exactly how is *that* list derived, one wonders? I won't even start here on the many ways that this sort of technology could be massively abused. -- Lauren Weinstein NNSquad Moderator ]