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[ NNSquad ] Call for NNSquad Data Collection Volunteers

Greetings.  First, a reminder that the call for working group 
participants ( http://www.nnsquad.org/archives/nnsquad/msg00278.html )
remains open.  Please let me know if you wish to join the project
R&D and related policy efforts.

Now for the fun part.  I'd like to gather an initial list of volunteers
willing to act as test sites for NNSquad data collection R&D efforts.
Even at this very early stage, the more sites involved -- across a broad
range of different ISPs and technologies -- the better.  You will of
course have complete control over the manner in which you choose
to participate.  I anticipate that the earliest efforts may involve
SNMP, but even if you don't have SNMP-capable hardware and wish to
become involved as an early data site, please let us know your
interest now.

Be among the first to help us figure out what your local ISP is
*really* providing for your hard-earned cash!  And feel free to
forward this note onward to anyone else that you believe might be
interested in such participation.  The more, the merrier.

To signify your interest in joining the debut NNSquad data collection
effort, please send a note to: 


Please include as much of the following information as possible (and
that you feel comfortable providing -- this data will not be made
public outside the project itself in other than aggregated and/or
anonymized forms, etc.)  You don't need to provide answers to all of
the points below if you don't wish to.

1) Your ISP

2) Physical circuit type (DSL, Cable, T1, Satellite, FiOS, U-verse,
   OC-192, NSA-Zettabyte [just kidding guys!], etc.)

3) Theoretical (advertised) maximum upstream and downstream
   speeds for your actual service as provisioned

4) Approx. size of your network (number of hosts)

5) Static IP service, Dynamic (DHCP), or Mixed?  Is NAT in use?

6) Internet gateway hardware (WAN modem/router): make, model number,
   firmware revision level (don't hassle trying to find the firmware
   level if it's not easily available)

7) Does your gateway hardware have SNMP capabilities?

8) Is at least one host on your network always running and available
   on a 24/7 basis?

Thanks very much!

NNSquad Moderator