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[ NNSquad ] IPsphere Concerns - Net Max Out in Two Years? - Bonding for Speed

Greetings.  A few items from the news and Net, noted from Dave
Farber's IP list:

First, Dave and others have expressed serious concerns about the
IPsphere Forum ( http://www.ipsphereforum.org ) -- and I agree with
those concerns -- with some good related postings in IP by Bob
Frankston ( http://tinyurl.com/yvldcn ) and Steve Goldstein 
( http://tinyurl.com/2xsbj9 ).  Such a project may be most problematic
not so much in terms of its own activities per se, but rather in
terms of its impacts on the open Internet and ISP arguments to

On the subject of ISPs and policymakers, it has been suggested that
a new study ( http://tinyurl.com/2pssjv ) postulating severe Internet
bandwidth problems within a couple of years, might be used by ISPs
as fodder to justify draconian traffic management on a scale that
would make the current situation look like happy days incarnate by
comparision.  Of course all such predictions must be taken with a
grain of salt at the very least, but the trends predicted are
certainly worth seriously considering.

Finally, as Thomas Leavitt points out ( http://tinyurl.com/yovh2q ),
reasonably affordable routers with dual WAN interfaces are becoming
more common, allowing the user to achieve higher aggregate speeds by
subscribing to multiple ISP service circuits.  Unfortunately, for
many (most) subscribers, the main benefit would be largely in the
downstream direction.  Upstream would still be pretty dismal for
most consumer lines, since, to paraphrase on old Billy Preston song,
"nothing plus nothing makes nothing" ... indeed.

NNSquad Moderator