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[ NNSquad ] Inside PRISM: Why the Government Hates Encryption

                Inside PRISM: Why the Government Hates Encryption


Yesterday in "The Soviet Surveillance States of America" we began
connecting some of the dots associated with the new disclosures of the
U.S. federal government's collection of telephone and Internet data
( http://j.mp/11kId3E [Lauren's Blog] ).

Since the initial reports, we've now been informed by officials that
they only actually look at the telephone connection "metadata" in the
course of specific, targeted investigations, and that the Internet
data slurping associated with PRISM is directed at foreign nationals
in foreign countries (though Americans can be accidentally sucked into
the system as well).

We're told by administration spokesmen and top members in Congress
that this is all for our own good, presumably as are ubiquitous CCTV
cameras, license plate readers, DNA swabbing of innocent persons, and
all the other varied inputs (some of which we possibly don't know
about) feeding to our law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Our fearless leaders seem startled that there's such a negative
reaction to these new revelations.  "Calm down children, we know
what's best for you!" appears to be the common refrain.

What they forget -- or more likely are conveniently ignoring -- is
that we Americans are a historically rather strange breed when it
comes to an innate distrust of government.  Frequently these concerns
go completely overboard, but when government actually does play into
the hands of the conspiracy theorists it does nobody any good at all.
(On the other hand, we continue to have evidence that our government
is so leaky that keeping a really big secret for long is an intense

If you really want to incur the ire of most honest Americans, treat
them all like they're criminal or terrorist suspects.

Now, what's really going on with PRISM?  The government admits that
the program exists, but says it is being "mischaracterized" in
significant ways (always a risk with secret projects sucking up
information about your citizens' personal lives).  The Internet firms
named in the leaked documents are denying that they have provided
"back doors" to the government for data access.

Who is telling the truth?

Likely both.  Based on previous information and the new leaks, we can
make some pretty logical guesses about the actual shape of all this.

Here's my take.  

First, I believe it's reasonable to assume that significant targeted
use of DPI -- Deep Packet Inspection -- is in place, most or all of it
outside the control (or even perhaps knowledge) of major Internet
sites (but quite possibly associated specifically with major ISPs and
backbone providers).

Just as I doubt that "all phone calls are being recorded," I doubt
that a mass collection of non-targeted Internet data is going on.  Not
only would this be technically enormously difficult when you consider
traffic patterns and volumes, but would not likely be useful from an
analysis standpoint compared with more careful targeting of specific
communications, even with the improvements in analysis tools we are
aware of (and/or can speculate exist in the shadows).

We do know for certain that the government has become very insistent
on two fronts -- wanting virtually instantaneous access to specific
stored and real-time user data on demand, and getting it in the clear
(that is, unencrypted).

So long as most people don't bother to encrypt their email and other
data the latter point is largely moot.  The government is mostly
concerned that someday down the line ubiquitous encryption will take
hold -- that is, strong encryption by default -- that would be time
consuming for the spooks to crack on an independent basis.

An intriguing outline becomes clear.  The government likely doesn't
have "back doors" into major Internet sites that would allow
government access to those sites' user data on a "willy-nilly" basis.
But it does seem reasonable to assume (especially based on the
historical record associated with telephony, e.g. CALEA) that the
government has pressured major Internet sites to deploy the means for
rapid access to specific data requests that would be mediated by
gatekeepers at those firms.

That is, NSA (or whomever) would have an expedited means to present a
firm with (for example) a court order or National Security Letter.  If
legal counsel at the firm determines that this is a valid and
sufficiently narrow demand, the mechanism would be in place to
immediately provide access (perhaps one-shot, perhaps ongoing for some
period) to that specific data (likely related to specific user

In other words, what we're likely talking about with PRISM isn't a
"back door" for rummaging around through data in an uncontrolled
manner, but rather a technical and legal protocol for the government
to quickly gain access to specific data under order when the firm
involved agrees that the order is valid and chooses not to challenge

Overall, this regime would replace much slower, largely ad hoc systems
for responding to data demands, with a pipeline that can provide that
data to government directly -- but the firms still control the valve
on that pipe and which data is permitted to flow into it, allowing the
firms to fight orders that they do not consider reasonable, focused,
or otherwise valid.

This kind of scenario may help to explain the seeming contradictions
of what we're now hearing about PRISM, and seems to sync well with the
battles over government access to user data that we already know
about, and with government demands that when they do get such access,
they have some way to get the data in unencrypted form.

But even if my speculation about the relatively constrained nature of
PRISM is correct, the potential for government abuse of such deployed
systems is still enormous.

Such surveillance environments drastically undermine our own ability
to criticize similar and worse abuses by other countries.  And here at
home, the "you have nothing to fear from surveillance if you have
nothing to hide" argument does not play well with most honest
Americans.  Faith in cloud computing and storage models -- which I
feel are enormously important to us all in so many ways and bring with
them vast benefits to consumers -- are predicated on users trusting
that their cloud data will be at least as safe from government abuses
as their data would be on their own local hard drives.

The rise of ubiquitous encryption will over time likely be
unstoppable, and will change the face of these issues in major ways
that we cannot predict with confidence.

We can, however, predict with considerable assurance that any
government and any officials -- regardless of political parties -- who
insist on treating the American people as suspects, as ignorant
children whose personal data should be available to government prying
merely at its beck and call, are ultimately helping to destroy
critical underpinnings of what has made this country great.

If we continue to permit this, the ultimate fault and blame will not
be with our government or our leaders, but rather with ourselves.

Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren 
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: http://www.pfir.org/pfir-info
 - Network Neutrality Squad: http://www.nnsquad.org 
 - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
 - Data Wisdom Explorers League: http://www.dwel.org
 - Global Coalition for Transparent Internet Performance: http://www.gctip.org
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Lauren's Blog: http://lauren.vortex.com
Google+: http://vortex.com/g+lauren / Twitter: http://vortex.com/t-lauren 
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 / Skype: vortex.com

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