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[ NNSquad ] More examples of the Internet's revenge on duplicitous politicians

More examples of the Internet's revenge on duplicitous politicians
http://j.mp/OiC5YM  (This message on Google+)

 - - -

This election cycle, more than any other to date, continues to
demonstrate how the power of the Net -- particularly Internet video and
the ability to allow nearly anyone to reach large audiences via
YouTube and similar services, can be a trap for unwary politicians.

A few days ago I offered a YouTube video demonstrating Mitt Romney's
180 degree flip regarding his infamous "47%" remarks:

Today, a new video has appeared, and a fascinating "interactive
video generator" with even more dramatic examples.

In the first of these, "Mitt Romney debates himself," we see three
segments showing 180 flips between Romney's earlier statements about
upper income taxing, preexisting conditions health care coverage, and
hiring teachers: http://j.mp/OiA0MC (YouTube)

Perhaps even more illuminating is the new, interactive "RoboRomney"
page, which allows you to select between Liberal, Moderate, and
Conservative on a range of topics, then automatically displays
archival video of Romney that agrees with your selected positions --
no matter what they are: http://j.mp/OiAFgW  (RoboRomney)

On the Internet, video lives forever.  It's one thing for your
positions to evolve over time and to admit that they've done so.  It's
something else entirely to insist that your positions haven't changed,
or to claim opposite positions simultaneously.

The former can be completely reasonable and can usually be accepted. 
The latter is ethically degenerate, and must always be condemned.

Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren 
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: http://www.pfir.org/pfir-info
 - Network Neutrality Squad: http://www.nnsquad.org 
 - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
 - Data Wisdom Explorers League: http://www.dwel.org
 - Global Coalition for Transparent Internet Performance: http://www.gctip.org
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Lauren's Blog: http://lauren.vortex.com
Google+: http://vortex.com/g+lauren / Twitter: http://vortex.com/t-lauren 
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 / Skype: vortex.com
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