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[ NNSquad ] Tech Giants Form Internet-Freedom Lobby to Counter MPAA, RIAA Clout

Tech Giants Form Internet-Freedom Lobby to Counter MPAA, RIAA Clout

http://j.mp/Qn7x83  (Wired)

   "The Internet Association, backed by behemoths Amazon, Google, Facebook
    and others - 14 groups in all - is focused on internet freedom -
    something that's easy in principle and hard when it comes to details.
    As a yardstick of what this group's philosophy is, its president said
    that had the group been around earlier this year, it would have
    lobbied against the Stop Online Privacy Act. Among other things, the
    measure would have required ISPs to prevent Americans from visiting
    piracy blacklisted sites by altering the system known as DNS that
    turns site names like Google.com into IP addresses such as Instead, for the blacklisted sites, ISPs would have to
    lie to their customers and tell their browsers that the site doesn't
 - - -

Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren 
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: http://www.pfir.org/pfir-info
 - Network Neutrality Squad: http://www.nnsquad.org 
 - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
 - Data Wisdom Explorers League: http://www.dwel.org
 - Global Coalition for Transparent Internet Performance: http://www.gctip.org
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Lauren's Blog: http://lauren.vortex.com
Google+: http://vortex.com/g+lauren / Twitter: http://vortex.com/t-lauren 
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 / Skype: vortex.com
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