"Well from the Bell Mobility side they’ve taken the packages and we’ve seen this also somewhere else in Canada, a very
intuitive way to do it, where the consumer knows they’re paying $5 a month for 10 hours. I don’t think they would do it
where they don’t know what’s happening on the data metering, and they won’t have a way to assess the usage. So we
actually see a third stream of revenue. One’s the voice, the second is data usage, and the third is a number of hours of
watching video. So that’s how the model works we’re offering to sell it from Bell Media to the customers of Bell Media in a
way that’s based pretty similar to what we see in the specialty TV model where there’s a fee paid to Bell Media for access
to that content from the other wireless carriers."
Christopher Parsons
Doctoral Candidate
Political Science, University of Victoria