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[ NNSquad ] My Google "Internet and Empires" Talk - Five Years Later

           My Google "Internet and Empires" Talk - Five Years Later


Greetings.  About a week ago or so, an alert reader (presumably with
far too much time on his hands) reminded me that it is now almost
exactly five years since I gave my "Internet and Empires" talk at
Google Santa Monica, covering a bunch of issues that I thought were
interesting at the time, including privacy, censorship, Street View,
China, and other sundry topics.  He suggested that I should look it
over again in light of events that have since transpired regarding
both Google and the Internet.

The original talk was on January 24, 2006, and I posted and blogged it
on the following April 14th ( http://bit.ly/ijwRHb [Lauren's Blog] ).
I believe it was the first outside talk taped at the Santa Monica
office, and I'm sitting on a table since there wasn't a podium
available yet (but for me, the more informal the better).

A bit over a month ago I uploaded (but didn't really watch) the
approximately one hour video as a test of newly unlimited length
uploading on my YouTube account, but hadn't planned to make it public
to supplant the originally uploaded seven part version (split for the
then standard YouTube 10 minute limit).

I hadn't actually viewed the entire spiel in years, but having been
reminded of the anniversary, I forced myself to do so, and in light of
that I've decided to make the new "all in one chunk" version publicly
available, and I've updated the original blog item's links and such

Five years seems like a century in Internet time, and it's interesting
to see how controversial associated issues have changed -- and in some
important cases remain very much with us today.

Part of the reason for my focus on China during that presentation was
the coincidence that I was speaking at Google on the very day that the
original Google.cn censored search site experiment was announced.

Google of course announced the end of search results censoring in
China almost exactly one year ago, a decision that was widely
applauded (including by me) - http://bit.ly/51Xqd6 (Lauren's Blog).

In any case, if you have an hour to kill, there may be worse ways to
spend your time than to consider, compare, and contrast the Google and
Internet issues of January 2006 with January 2011.

But the real question now is, where will we be in January 2016?  I'm
not taking any bets on that one.

"Internet and Empires": 

http://bit.ly/h3yITa (YouTube Video / ~1 hour)

Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com)
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800
Co-Founder, PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility): http://www.pfir.org
Founder, NNSquad (Network Neutrality Squad): http://www.nnsquad.org
Founder, GCTIP (Global Coalition for Transparent Internet Performance): 
Founder, PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com
Member, ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Lauren's Blog: http://lauren.vortex.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenweinstein
Google Buzz: http://bit.ly/lauren-buzz