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[ NNSquad ] youtube in italy
given all the worldwide noise about the regulations in Italy re. the EU audiovisual media services directive which purportedly would have impacted youtube, vimeo et al, a member of italian parliament (Dep. Flavia Perina) has asked the government to clarify the situation. cit. La risposta del ministro Vito ha soddisfatto Flavia Perina perchà âha espressamente escluso l'assoggettabilitÃ' di YouTube, Vimeo e Dailymotion alla nuova regolamentazioneâ. http://is.gd/PndCcV Minister's Vito reply has satisfied Flavia Perina because "expressly excluded that YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion's are subject to the new regulations". ciao, s. -- blog.quintarelli.it www.eximia.it www.reeplay.it