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[ NNSquad ] Comment from Vint re: "Vint Cerf warns re IPv6" (BBC)

In a message earlier today ( http://bit.ly/bc39B5 ) via NNSquad, you
saw a referenced BBC article that began:

    < Internet pioneer Vint Cerf warns over address changes >
    The internet could face years of instability as it moves to a new
    addressing system, one of the network's original architects has

I just received a note from Vint, who would like to emphasize that he
only was suggesting that the IPv6 portions of the Net would have
challenges, *not* that the entire Net would be unstable.  In
particular, that:

    " ... introducing IPv6 involved getting a lot of software
     configured properly so there is a lot of work to be done,
     especially at the edges of the net. Users with mal-configured
     routers/firewalls could have problems. The v6 environment will
     take time to stabilize but v4 will still be running."

This is an important distinction that the Beeb apparently missed.

NNSquad Moderator