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[ NNSquad ] Wired: "Did Internet Founders Actually Anticipate Paid, Prioritized Traffic?"

Did Internet Founders Actually Anticipate Paid, Prioritized Traffic?

http://bit.ly/bFsVRZ  (Wired)

I remember some of these discussions, and one thing is pretty clear.
None of us -- as far as I know anyway -- really anticipated that
effective competition for Internet access services would continue to
be so limited and manipulated by the dominant carriers in the manner
that has now transpired in the U.S.

The point being, history is extremely important in understanding how
we got to where we are.  It is of far less value in creating
forward-looking technology-related policies.  So to the extent that
there's interest in the opinions of we old-timers to deal with issues
*today*, our views related to these issues in the context of the
Internet *today* are far more relevant than what they were in the
context of the Internet of years ago.

NNSquad Moderator