NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] Dave Reed comment on Spectrum Use
----- Forwarded message from David Farber <dave@farber.net> ----- Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 12:54:06 -0400 From: David Farber <dave@farber.net> Subject: [IP] Dave Reed comment on Spectrum Use Reply-To: dave@farber.net To: ip <ip@v2.listbox.com> Begin forwarded message: From: dewayne@warpspeed.com (Dewayne Hendricks) Date: June 10, 2010 6:50:27 PM EDT To: Dewayne-Net Technology List <xyzzy@warpspeed.com> Subject: [Dewayne-Net] My comment on Spectrum Use [Note: This item comes from friend David Reed. DLH] Subject: My comment on Spectrum Use Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2010 18:49:12 -0400 To: dewayne-net@warpspeed.com From: "David P. Reed" <dpreed@reed.com> I have chosen recently to take a job that will prevent me for the next N years from making any technical comments on spectrum use. However, before I take that job, let me predict the following thing: The current FCC (and its focus on auctioning exclusive spectrum rights) will set back the potential future of scalable and interoperable radio networking at least 2 decades. That's 20 years. The reason (which I made clear almost 10 years ago), is that radio waves do not interfere with each other in space, and any number of simultaneous "co-channel" signals can coexist, with the limitation on their decoding being the well-known "multiple-access channel" capacity theorem, which demonstrates that at each receiver location, it is possible to decode many simultaneous transmissions. This has been demonstrated in the lab in many ways. Yet the licensing model of spectrum, purely because of the limitations of technologies that existed before the digital era, pre-1950, have been set up on the theory that engineering radios is impossible unless channels are legally required to be *utterly* dark of co-channel signals. That such systems are now possible, using simple ideas such as coding, dynamic adaptation, and cooperative sharing, is completely being ignored by the "auction lovers" who have no interest in technically advancing the art of radio networking. I am quite sad for the US. It's certainly not necessary that I work on this - but I suspect no one else will. RSS Feed: <http://www.warpspeed.com/wordpress> ------------------------------------------- Archives: https://www.listbox.com/member/archive/247/=now RSS Feed: https://www.listbox.com/member/archive/rss/247/ Powered by Listbox: http://www.listbox.com ----- End forwarded message -----