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[ NNSquad ] Comcast removes key VCR-compatibility feature from cable boxes (or pay $20 extra!)

Comcast removes key VCR-compatibility feature from cable boxes (or pay
$20 extra!)

http://bit.ly/avDSWQ  (Slashdot)

This story is a bit confusing, and I'd appreciate any in-the-know
Comcast subs clarifying it.

Reportedly, the previous version of Comcast STB software allowed
flexible scheduling of channel changes for VCR recordings (yes, there
are still *lots* of people who use VCRs!)

But this subscriber says that the capability of scheduling changes
"more than a few hours in advance" has been removed unless the sub
orders DVR service (at $20/mo?) -- in which case they're far less
likely to be using VCRs also.

I've seen rate cards showing Comcast charging $20/mo for each
additional DVR STB (which seems too high on its face), but do
they charge $20/mo for an initial DVR as well?

And what possible rationale would there be for removing a flexible
channel-changing feature, other than to try push people who didn't
really want a DVR into paying a higher monthly fee including
DVR service?

NNSquad Moderator