NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] Facebook: Screw "robots.txt" -- we'll sue you anyway!
Facebook: Screw "robots.txt" -- we'll sue you anyway! http://bit.ly/bmIM9R (PeteSearch) "Their [Facebook's] contention was robots.txt had no legal force and they could sue anyone for accessing their site even if they scrupulously obeyed the instructions it contained. The only legal way to access any web site with a crawler was to obtain prior written permission." This is -- to put it lightly -- an astounding assertion by Facebook in light of common Internet practice, and taken to its obvious conclusion could basically crush the Web in significant ways. Read the text at the link for yourself -- it's fascinating in a morbid "staring at a traffic accident" kind of way. --Lauren-- NNSquad Moderator