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[ NNSquad ] Re: [Dewayne-Net] Verizon to FCC: Let Us Retire Copper

Their copper? Our copper! Don't rip it up -- give it back to the
communities! We paid for it! A while ago I wrote about why ATT should give
the copper back but they do use it for VDSL. This is far clearer.

Does this mean that Verizon will provide 100% FiOS and will share it with
the CLECs?

-----Original Message-----
From: dewayne-net [mailto:dewayne-net@warpspeed.com] On Behalf Of Dewayne
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 05:02
To: Dewayne-Net Technology List
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Verizon to FCC: Let Us Retire Copper

Verizon to FCC: Let Us Retire Copper

In meetings at the Federal Communications Commission, Verizon offers
arguments for why the FCC should allow the retirement of duplicative copper
facilities following the deployment of all-fiber networks. Verizon explained
proposals to prohibit retirement of duplicative copper facilities would harm
the business case for investment in fiber.


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