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[ NNSquad ] Wi-Fi owner flips images for unwanted neighbors

Wi-Fi owner flips images for unwanted neighbors

http://bit.ly/9KKy3S  (ex-parrot.com) ["Pining for the fjords?"]

While this is undeniably a seriously cute hack, the ethics of
modifying data in this way (even in such an obvious manner)
strike me as being somewhat nebulous at best.  Seems much more
appropriate to turn on WPA2 and just be done with it, rather than
tamper with the actual data.

Also, perhaps this guy has proof that the neighbors are consciously
using his network without permission, but I've seen *many* cases
of neighbors locked onto the wrong Wi-Fi network for very long
periods without even realizing it.  Of course upside-down images
would be a clue that something was amiss, but it still seems
a bit questionable as a tactic.

NNSquad Moderator