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[ NNSquad ] Google and India Test the Limits of Liberty

Google and India Test the Limits of Liberty

http://bit.ly/8Wc8jC  (Wall Street Journal)

This is a fairly lengthy article including considerable interesting
details, particularly for persons unfamiliar with the complexities of
the situation in India.

Arguably, these questions of local laws and censorship (and demands
for user data by governments) are among the very thorniest of Internet

The more that I've looked at these matters over the years, the more
I've become convinced that there's no "one size fits all" solution or
generally applicable decision matrix that can be easily applied.

In contrast with some Internet sites who seem willing to hand over
user data and censor data on the flimsiest of requests, my overall
impression is that Google encourages energetic discussion internally
of how to deal with these sorts of issues (though this is not
necessarily obvious to the casual observer who only sees the end
results of such deliberations).

While I do not always agree with Google's specific decisions in this
realm (and I am particularly uninspired by the continuing lack of
routinely effective mechanisms for individuals to obtain help with
Google-related issues that affect them personally), I would definitely
not categorize Google's actions in any of these spheres as being
knee-jerk in nature.

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