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[ NNSquad ] POTS Reliability - Reality

As I mentioned earlier, here in Time Warner Cable land the "field
backup generator" appears to be a guy who wanders out in a pickup
truck with jumper cables attached to the cable distribution panel
on the pole.

I now wish I'd taken a photo of that at the time.

NNSquad Moderator

----- Forwarded message from Dave Farber <dave@farber.net> -----

Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2010 13:27:42 -0500
From: Dave Farber <dave@farber.net>
Subject: [IP] READ  POTS Reliability - Reality
Reply-To: dave@farber.net
To: ip <ip@v2.listbox.com>

Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Josephson <dlj@josephson.com>
> Date: January 2, 2010 12:30:43 PM EST
> To: dave@farber.net
> Subject: Re: [IP] POTS Reliability - Reality

> Dave,
> The carriers are doing a great job shifting focus to a fiber vs copper, 
> or VoIP vs analog loop debate. I think the real issue is whether the 
> public and regulators will accept a further reduction of responsibility 
> for failures. It's reasonable to require the customer to provide a 
> standard telephone instrument -- spares are cheap and easily fixed -- 
> but now we are asked to provide power and to replace the backup battery. 
> Is that OK? Are we going back to farmers' lines with local dry cell 
> batteries?
> Yes, remote terminals (whether they are fiber or copper) with just  
> eight hours of backup are a weak link, but the wireline carriers here 
> have typically been able to respond with a small generator when a power 
> outage exceeds battery capacity, just as a central office generator is 
> expected to take over if downtown is dark.
> The issue is not which technology is in use, the issue is whether the 
> carrier is permitted to dump the responsibility for outages on the 
> subscriber.
> --
> David Josephson

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