NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] debate in NYC
The key players on either side of the Net Neutrality issue will go head-to-head in an Oxford-style debate, Tuesday evening during the Web 2.0 Expo NY. Decisions are being made that will have far reaching effects on the future of the Internet. I hope you can join to gain a full understanding off all sides of this issue. Space is limited, so please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending. RSVP here: http://bit.ly/techdebate November 17th Doors at 7:00PM IAC Building 555 W 18th St btw 10th ave and the Westside Highway This is event is made possible by: Google, Verizon, IAC, and the Web 2.0 Expo The Debaters Against - James Assey - Executive Vice President, National Cable and Telecommunications Association - Robert Quinn - Senior Vice President-Federal Regulatory, AT&T - Christopher Yoo - Professor of Law and Communication; Director, Center for Technology, Innovation, and Competition, UPenn Law For - Tim Wu - Coined the term "Network Neutrality"; Professor of Law, Columbia Law - Brad Burnham - VC, Union Square Ventures - TBA