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[ NNSquad ] Re: Doctorow in Guardian: Making sure ISPs can't hinder new startups

My response to Doctorow and then some... 

Timothy Karr: Internet Heroes and Villains

If the history of Internet policy were a movie, it would feature the public tied to the tracks before an onrushing train of corporate lobbyists....

reform media. transform democracy.

    [ I'm expecting a full, detailed translation of the new French
      Internet law shortly.  On its face, it seems to treat those
      users that ISPs and their media partners brand as violators as
      being just one notch less evil than child molesters (even
      apparently establishing a national "banned from the Internet
      abusers list."  It's as if anyone caught using a grow lamp to
      raise marijuana would then be banned from having access to
      electricity or water.

      I suspect that we're reaching an inflection point in terms of
      Internet users' willingness to be treated like cattle (or
      worse).  Where this will all end up is anyone's guess.

        -- Lauren Weinstein
           NNSquad Moderator ]

-----Original Message-----
From: nnsquad-bounces+tkarr=freepress.net@nnsquad.org [mailto:nnsquad-bounces+tkarr=freepress.net@nnsquad.org] On Behalf Of Lauren Weinstein
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 4:13 PM
To: nnsquad@nnsquad.org
Subject: [ NNSquad ] Doctorow in Guardian: Making sure ISPs can't hinder new startups

Doctorow in Guardian: Making sure ISPs can't hinder new startups


NNSquad Moderator