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[ NNSquad ] SLS CIS: Architecture and Public Policy Project Research Fellow

----- Forwarded message from Lauren Gelman <gelman@stanford.edu> -----

Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 16:16:31 -0700
From: Lauren Gelman <gelman@stanford.edu>
Subject: SLS CIS: Architecture and Public Policy Project Research Fellow
To: Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com>

Hi Lauren.  Could this be appropriate for NNsquad?

PS- thanks for a great forum!


Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society
Architecture and Public Policy Project Research Fellow

The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School is hiring a  
Research Fellow for the Architecture and Public Policy Project for a one 
year term. The start date is flexible.

The Architecture and Public Policy Project explores how network  
architectures influence, and are influenced by, economic, social or  
political systems and what this means for the role of law and public  
policy in this space.

One part of the project focuses on understanding the impact of current or 
future network architectures on economic, social or political systems, or 
on specific economic, social or political behavior such as innovation or 
political speech. Research relevant to this part of the project could, for 
example, analyze economic implications of a specific network architecture. 
The other part of the project explores the interactions between network 
architecture and public policy. Research questions relevant to this part 
include, but are not limited to, for example: how can or should the 
economic, social or political effects of network architectures impact 
public policy? Should legislators or regulators foster certain network 
architectures over others and, if so, what policy tools best encourage 
these architectures? Such questions affect the debates over network  
neutrality, Internet security or congestion management in broadband  

The Fellow will work with CIS Faculty Co-Director Professor Barbara van 
Schewick and CIS staff to conduct research relevant to the project and to 
write articles or reports of publishable quality. Depending on the Fellow’s 
interests and background, the fellow’s research will focus on questions 
related to one or both parts of the project. He or she will also support 
grants relevant to the project and help with grant-writing efforts to 
secure funding for the Center’s work in this area. The Fellow will work 
with CIS faculty and staff to organize and participate in workshops, 
conferences, talks and meetings with academics, practitioners and policy 

The position is open to candidates with a wide range of backgrounds. For 
example, candidates may have a JD, PhD or Master’s degree in one of the 
following fields:

* Law

* Computer Science or Network Engineering

* Technology and Public Policy

* Communications

* Economics

* Management Science

The candidate should have excellent analytical and writing skills and  
experience working in a research environment, designing and implementing 
projects either independently or in small teams.  Although candidates are 
not expected to have experience with all parts of the Architecture and 
Public Policy Project and are encouraged to bring complementary experience 
from other domains, the Fellow should have experience with at least one of 
the parts of the Architecture and Public Policy Project. He or she should 
be interested in working in and helping to foster a multi-disciplinary 
environment. Some background in economics is useful, but not required.

The position is for 12 months, with the possibility of renewal if funding 
is available. The start date is flexible. Salary will be based on 
background and experience and includes benefits.

Applicants must apply online via the Stanford Jobs website at 
http://jobs.stanford.edu/find_a_job.html; Job number 34423.

Please also submit:

* A cover letter with a detailed statement of interest

* A curriculum vitae

* Relevant transcript(s)

* An English-language sample of your recent research or academic writing

* (Upon request) two letters of recommendation

Please send all materials by email to Amanda Smith at the following e-mail 
address: asmith@law.stanford.edu.

The application deadline is May 30, 2009.

For more information about CIS, please visit our website at 


Lauren Gelman
Executive Director
Center for Internet and Society
Lecturer in Law
Stanford Law School
(ph) 650-724-3358

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