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[ NNSquad ] [IP] An unusual denial of service attack

I would add that similar "automatic updating" situations also have
potentially important implications vis-a-vis bandwidth caps.

NNSquad Moderator

----- Forwarded message from David Farber <dave@farber.net> -----

Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 11:56:35 -0400
From: David Farber <dave@farber.net>
Subject: [IP] An unusual denial of service attack
Reply-To: dave@farber.net
To: ip <ip@v2.listbox.com>

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brett Glass <brett@lariat.net>
Date: May 4, 2009 11:07:50 AM EDT
To: dave@farber.net, "Ip ip" <ip@v2.listbox.com>
Subject: An unusual denial of service attack

Dave, and everyone:

This weekend, my ISP suffered an unusual sort of denial of service attack.

Starting on Saturday morning, users were reporting that their Web browsing 
had slowed to a crawl, though other services were working properly. I 
investigated, and saw that our upstream connection to the Internet backbone 
was being saturated -- but not by any one customer. So, I looked at the 
statistics on our Web cache (an activity, by the way, which I'm sure that 
certain privacy advocates would find tantamount to "snooping," even though 
it was for the purpose of managing the network). After awhile, I was able 
to figure out what was wrong.

We were facing a distributed denial of service attack from the world's  
largest "botnet:" Microsoft's "Windows Update."

Virtually every Windows machine on our network -- and most of our  
customers's machines are running Windows XP or Windows Vista -- was  
individually downloading many large updates. (See


for a list of some of the many security holes that were being patched.)

Fixing holes in Windows is a good thing, but to command more than 90% of 
all of the computers around the globe to "phone home" at the same time is, 
obviously, not. It's doubly bad when the updates are explicitly marked as 
non-cacheable, making our Web cache of no use to stem the flood.

What's worse -- at least for our small ISP -- is that the updates are  
distributed for Microsoft by a company called Akamai. Akamai, as many of 
you know, places caches at the hubs of many ISPs' networks -- but, alas, 
only those of larger ones. Our smaller ISP, which has never been able to 
convince Akamai to place a cache at our location despite many years of 
requests, therefore must use backbone bandwidth to service all of these 
redundant requests. When I checked -- and it was not at the peak -- the 
traffic was consuming about half of our main DS-3 line to the Internet, 
leaving only half of its capacity available to carry all other traffic 
(including VoIP and bandwidth-intensive streaming video). Our cache's CPU 
utilization was above 95%, slowing response times still further.

I solved the problem by telling the cache to throttle traffic to and from 
Akamai's upstream caches, which were serving up the updates. Instantly, the 
load dropped off and normal service was restored.

As Spider-Man creator Stan Lee once noted, "with great power comes great 
responsibility." Microsoft, by virtue of its control over Windows-based 
PCs, has the ability to shut down the entire Internet at will -- and must 
be careful not to do it, inadvertently, by turning 90% of the world's PCs 
into a "zombie army."

Furthermore, content delivery networks such as Akamai, which distributes 
Microsoft's updates, must not be allowed to discriminate against smaller 
providers by making updates uncacheable (at least by a  
standards-conforming Web cache) and then denying smaller ISPs access to a 
cache that WILL cache them. (Google, too, is also placing caches at the 
hubs of larger ISPs, thus giving them an edge when it comes to delivering 
Google services and video.) Small and competitive ISPs already have a tough 
row to hoe when competing with the telcos and cable companies. If they are 
further disadvantaged by prejudicial business practices of content 
providers and content delivery networks, Internet service will -- 
devastatingly for consumers -- become a duopoly.

--Brett Glass

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