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[ NNSquad ] Net Neutrality-related announcements on Twitter

I've gradually been homing in on what seems like an appropriate
Twitter usage pattern for my predilections.  I'm already finding it
useful to use Twitter to post links to items, announcements, etc. that
are broadly related to the sorts of issues that we discuss on this
list and are likely of interest, but that don't necessarily rise to
the level appropriate to blast out to the entire list readership.

If you're potentially interested in these, they're going out on
the @laurenweinstein twitter stream ( https://twitter.com/laurenweinstein ).

By and large I'm using Twitter to note items of interest generally, with
some personal observations.  I'm not discussing what I had for lunch (if
I had lunch, which I usually don't).

Starting now I will try remember to tag relevant tweets with #nns
for easier filtering.

NNSquad Moderator