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[ NNSquad ] Re: What are you in for, kid? - "I worked for Google ... "

The implications of a successful trial against google are various, the
aspect that concerns me most about this is as Lauren pointed out,
after video has been in effect "Banned" what is to stop them from
going after other forms of communication, text and audio.

Even if it were maintained to just video, who would post any video at
all, it is obvious that video is popular, but just think of the
logistical differences if one were to pre-screen all video content
comming in one would probably find a law somewhere in the world that
prohibits that content, there are some pretty wierd laws out there.

Then there is text and audio, lots of books, published printed
material is banned in many area's of the world, a similar action would
be then made available to the internet, this in itself is a threat to
the ideals that made the internet available to the public in the first
place and will threaten the very structure of the entire web.

Personally I do believe Italy has very little chance though,
following juristic rules they would have to determine where content
was loaded and which rules applied to the company in question. On the
other hand they would have a much better chance just going into
straight prosecution against those members who uploaded the
information if they are within Italy. For instance where would the
meeting of minds be in accessing data from a server, to me it would be
from the servers side since that is where acceptance to the content is
formed, so Italy would legally have to prove that it is illegal to
submit video of that content where the 'Cloud'/ server farm is, Good
Luck to Italy's government on that.