NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] AT&T testing DSL bandwidth caps
------- Forwarded Message From: David Farber <dfarber@me.com> To: "ip" <ip@v2.listbox.com> Subject: [IP] AT&T Monthly Bandwidth Caps Are Here Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 09:26:31 -0500 http://gizmodo.com/5075831/att-monthly-bandwidth-caps-are-here AT&T's bandwidth caps for its high speed internet customers are here.=20=20 They're conducting a "market trial" in Reno that started on Nov. 1,=20=20 where users get between 20GB and 150GB a month, depending on their=20=20 speed tier. Unlike Time Warner's trial in Beamont, where caps were=20=20 only applied to new customers, existing customers will also be capped,=20= =20 though they'll get the roomier 150GB cap. If you bust the cap, AT&T=20=20 will charge an extra dollar per gigabyte. Surveying the broadband landscape in this country, It's either caps=20=20 orslowdowns or filters. (Unless you're on Comcast, then it's a two-for-=20 one.) Caps seem like the lesser of the three evils, if only because=20=20 they're fairly transparent=97filtering and slowdowns are more insidious,=20= =20 since you might not be immediately aware it's happening. They're=20=20 essentially legitimized forms of sabotage. Verizon is the only major=20=20 ISP leaving traffic totally unfettered, but I wonder how long that=20=20 will last. <snip> [ And of course it was AT&T who not so long ago in public statements noted that their DSL architecture was so superior to cable that they saw no need for DSL bandwidth caps -- and assumed that people with high bandwidth needs chose AT&T for that reason! Now AT&T's U-verse video is rolling out throughout AT&T's network, and directly competes with outside video services. Oops! Suddenly AT&T needs bandwidth caps! As Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!" That $1/GB charge for exceeding the cap is a nice round number too. The justification for that amount is ... oh, gee, I guess we don't get to see that. Probably proprietary information. -- Lauren Weinstein NNSquad Moderator ]