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[ NNSquad ] Re: ISPs' Error Page Ads Let Hackers Hijack Entire Web, Researcher Discloses | Threat Level from Wired.com

Roy J. Tellason wrote:

Followup on the article from yesterday ...

Once again we see the dangers of letting people who do not have the expertise of those who designed the Internet (or even of the present IETF) meddle with the protocols.

I wonder what Earthlink (or Comcast or Time Warner) will think when one of these ill-thought-out(*) changes leads to a serious loss. In this case the problem was reported before anything really bad happened, but I can easily see this leading to the theft of millions of passwords for Paypal, Chase Manhattan Bank, or other areas where *real money* is involved.

Then when they are served with a class-action lawsuit from all the people who lost money in a scam that takes advantage of this kind of thing (plus one from PayPal or BofA or Chase or Citi for their expenses in covering some of the losses and for loss of goodwill), they will say, "but nobody told us something like this could happen."

(*) More like, not-thought-out -- the people who make these ad-hoc changes don't think about the consequences at all.