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[ NNSquad ] Re: Liability issues in ISP-injected ad systems?

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Brett Glass <nnsquad@brettglass.com> wrote:
> It is unclear why this would create any more or different vulnerabilities
>  than one might expect from any other site which contained third party
>  advertising.

Actually, its quite clear...

Because an attacker could inject arbitrary Javascript into the context
of the subdomain error page, he could create a page which to the
victim's browser is


for ANY targetdomain.com of the victim.

Since this is running in a subcontext, the attacker is now able to
obtain any cookies associated with www.targetdomain.com, and encode
them up in a way which the attacker can receive (by issuing
requests/redirects to external URLs with encoded data).  This makes it
effectively a GLOBAL cross-site-scripting attack.

Furthermore, since you can inject arbitrary code with redirects, you
could effectively harvest a user's login credentials for EVERY site by
tricking them into clicking on ONE URL!

This is a HUGE vulnerability