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[ NNSquad ] Study-Finds-ISPs-Fiddled-with-Web-Pages


When a hosting provider, an ISP, or transit carrier changes the page the
technology that does that uses deep packet inspection and quite-involved TCP
forgery (as Sandvine does to get the end-users' TCP stack to honor the

In some cases, the attempt is innocent, but buggy -- such as the wireless
ISP who used software to remove white spaces in returned web pages (HTML
ignores successive white spaces -- most of the time).

But in some cases, the attempt involves the ISP injecting an ad that the
content provider did not intend.  Even if the user signed-up for it in
exchange for free Internet service, an advertiser on that page may have been
assured by the content provider that his ad would only appear on pages free
of ads from his competitors.   

I can't wait until one of these links to a remotely-hosted ad -- where that
remote server has been compromised with a worm.  Won't THAT be wonderful?!  

One day, some nice lady logging on to her church calendar will fetch an ad
infected with malware that sends Martian porn to all of her email contacts!!
And, to boot, the tech with a packet sniffer at her end will say that it
came from the church and the tech with a packet sniffer at the church will
prove that it did not.  Now THAT will be easy to track down!!!!