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[ NNSquad ] Comcast gives RSTs a rest -- and the future

Greetings.  It was always my view that the crude club of forged
resets would not last long as a Comcast "traffic shaping"
mechanism.  However, we'll have the tools available to help detect
if this particular technique is in use outside of Comcast (and
elsewhere in the world as well).  Trust but verify.

While Comcast presumably saw the writing on the wall regarding their
resets, this was really a relatively easy skirmish, since resets are
so very obvious.  We're now embarking on a likely era of much more
pervasive, often complex, and potentially highly anticompetitive
traffic shaping and limitation techniques.  

Tiers and caps can be manipulated in ways that favor ISPs' own
content offerings over those of outside services, and all manner of
ISP content manipulations, monitoring, tracking, injection,
diversion, and other similar activities have been appearing at an
increasing pace, not all of which will be easily detected or proven.

So this isn't the end of the war.  It's only a single step in one of the
earliest battles.  Plenty to do ...

NNSquad Moderator