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[ NNSquad ] Traffic shaping law proposed in US

Traffic shaping law proposed in US
17/03/2008 - by CommsDay

At least one influential US lawmaker has proposed adding a traffic shaping ban to current antitrust law, signaling Congress could act in response to the Comcast P2P scandal no matter how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proceeds. The House Judiciary Committee chairman, John Conyers, says that reports to the effect that Comcast secretly slowed â and in some cases killed â BitTorrent traffic demonstrate âthe open architecture of the Internet is under siege. The problem is that many of the innovations we've enjoyed on the Internet would have never occurred under this proposed regime.â

Cont.: http://tinyurl.com/yvqz6t

Conyer's Matter Of Antitrust
03/14/08 | Multichannel News

House Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.) has signaled renewed interest in using antitrust law to protect free speech and market competition on the Internet.

Cont.: http://tinyurl.com/23cu4s
