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[ NNSquad ] Re: NY Times: Concerns over video traffic and Internet capacities

If you read through this it seems strange. For example it says that the cost
of stringing an optical fiber to a home can be $1k or more. 

$1K -- ATT spent $10K/customer to buy MediaOne's Coax plant. $1k for a fiber
is cheaper than sewers, sidewalks, or just about anything. You can pay that
off in a year or two and get gigabits or more capacity. That undermines this
whole claim of scarcity

The headline should be "Telco Hogs in Fear of Internet Abundance -- can't
figure out how to make money if they can't hold bits hostage".

It's one thing to try to explain why an article is wrong -- but it's another
thing when the article itself undermines its own premise.

-----Original Message-----
From: nnsquad-bounces+nnsquad=bobf.frankston.com@nnsquad.org
[mailto:nnsquad-bounces+nnsquad=bobf.frankston.com@nnsquad.org] On Behalf Of
Lauren Weinstein
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 22:42
To: nnsquad@nnsquad.org
Cc: lauren@vortex.com
Subject: [ NNSquad ] NY Times: Concerns over video traffic and Internet

NY Times: Concerns over video traffic and Internet capacities


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