NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] Re: NY Times: Verizon offers system to improve P2P transfers
Verizon certainly has been displaying some Internet-savvy behavior, very much a refreshing change from the old days when the telco guys just didn't "get" data. Of course, Verizon has the luxury (as Frank notes) of FiOS bandwidth in their latest P2P / P4P project. While P4P might be a win for Verizon, it will likely still bring a typical cable (e.g., Comcast) network to its knees. So this is a great marketing advantage for FiOS. Tech savvy or market savvy? Clearly both, which is a powerful combination.Verizon continues to stand out from the pack in a growing number of new and interesting ways. Whether this reaching out to P2P users is legit, or involves hidden gotchas, remains to be seen. Although, if the abundance of bandwidth afforded by its FiOS offering is any indication of its philosophical bent, then I'd be inclined to think that it's for real, especially when one considers the efficiencies that Verizon itself stands to gain from this approach. ...