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[ NNSquad ] Re: Civil Rights Groups Wants P2P Throttling to PreserveRights (or something like that)

 > When someone gets rights to use certain spectrum (note, I didn't say
 > "own"), I mostly fall in the camp of letting them do with it as they
 > wish. They can choose which services to run, e.g., a voice service. A
 > data service. Both. A TV service, etc. BUT, for each of those, there are
 > norms if not rules they should follow, such as non-censorship. NN?  I
 > think similar things apply to any service provider.

One considerable factor to me is that the spectrum is shared, or open to
sharing.  If Wireless ISP ABC is in constant contention with its customers,
I don't think that there is anything that prevents Wireless ISP XYZ from
setting up its footprint over the very same area and offering an

   [ This assumes available spectrum of course.  Even spread spectrum
     systems can't be piled into an area ad infinitum, and when
     dealing with unlicensed spectrum (which some wireless Internet
     providers use) the lack of frequency coordination can be a
     another issue.  And of course, the technical availability of
     spectrum doesn't necessarily mean that it's possible to legally
     use it.
           -- Lauren Weinstein
              NNSquad Moderator ]