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[ NNSquad ] Re: In Japan, P2P usage grows with bandwidth

Lauren Weinstein writes:

>  [ This is interesting, but doesn't really move the ball.  Within a
>    decade, perhaps in just a few years, we may well see *legal*
>    video as the biggest single consumer of bandwidth.  

That may be; however, it would be a shame, because the Internet is
perhaps the most inefficient possible way to move video. A van full
of DVDs stuck in rush hour traffic moves more bits per mile per hour
than the entire Internet. And the Postal Service, delivering Netflix
DVDs, delivers thousands of times more than that every day.

IP was designed for interactive communications, and even the best 
multicast protocols are nowhere near as efficient as broadcasting. And 
P2P protocols are the least efficient Internet protocols, because they
squander bandwidth as they transfer the burden to the user's ISP
and multiply overhead while trying to eke out a small amount of
additional speed.

>    Whether
>    transmitted by P2P or some other means, consumers are going to
>    demand access to the vast range of video services -- many of
>    which will be HD -- that are even now being rapidly deployed.
>    ISPs will view these as direct competition to their own PPV and
>    free entertainment offerings.

We as an ISP do not offer "pay per view" or entertainment. 

>    Then we're not talking about the
>    *relatively* small universe of P2P fans, but large streams
>    pouring in and out of the majority of consumer homes.

The majority of consumer homes should consider switching to actual
ISPs, rather than cable and telephone companies who dabble in the

>    P2P as bogeyman isn't going to fly.  

P2P isn't a bogeyman; it is a serious and pervasive problem.

>   Just as programs have expanded
>    to fill available memory and data expands to fill available disk     space, applications -- many of which will be encrypted 

There is no evidence of this.

>-- will expand into available bandwidth.

Most applications take no more bandwidth than is needed. While some may
eventually take more, it is P2P which expands to consume ALL available

>  Call the applications what you will, but it won't matter.
>    This all implies that concentrating controls on a per-application
>    basis will be hopeless in the end, and that overall bandwidth
>    utilization and fairness is a much more fruitful area for attention.

Overall bandwidth utilization is a concern; however, it is not growing
as fast as the burden of P2P. And attempts at massive cost-shifting via P2P, 
such as are being carried out by Vuze, Inc., are ISPs' greatest concern
at the moment because they threaten to shift virtually unbounded costs
to those ISPs. This is why ISPs such as myself justifiably recognize it
as theft of service.

--Brett Glass 

    [ I feel that Brett's comments and POV speak so utterly clearly for
      themselves, that it's only fair that you see them.

      The readership can decide for themselves which of us is riding the
      spinning teacups on this topic.

      This thread is closed for the mailing list, open in the Forum 
      of course.

          -- Lauren Weinstein
             NNSquad Moderator ]