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[ NNSquad ] Internet Border Patrol

Forgive me if this has been discussed ad nauseam already, and a bit off subject, but rather than having content providers be responsible for "tailoring" their content standards to the whims of various countries (removing everything possibly offensive to anyone, which I believe is a recipe for vanilla pudding* rather than the sumptuous hot and cold buffet we'd like the web to be) or cutting entire countries off from the global internet, why not empower sovereign nations to patrol access at their borders? Some of the technology exists, some still needs to be developed, but a nation should be able to define and enforce what is and is not permissible to cross its border (in or out) regardless of whether it is a person, a truck, or bits on a wire. If YouTube has enough stuff that Puritanical Regime would rather its people not see, they may block outgoing access to YouTube. If it is just a few postings or subjects, they can filter out those subjects. If stuff still squeaks through, perhaps they would like to develop an intelligent content-aware firewall. And when people find new ways to get around these controls, the government can find even more clever ways to block them!

Eventually these governments would soon be so busy with Internet Border Patrol that they would not have time to interfere with freedom of speech and thought in the Real World!

Ed J.

*oops, forgot about the vegans, gluten-sensitive and lactose-intolerant! That would be vanilla soy milk...maybe...