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[ NNSquad ] Re: Pakistan access to YouTube restored after "blasphemous"vid removed

Fred Reimer wrote:
...Google/YouTube may have made the decision to
comply with the laws or regulations of Pakistan in order to continue to do
business there, that's their prerogative.
The fix for that is not net neutrality, but rather various steps that your
government can take to change the government in other countries.  This can
be anything from a message of strong disapproval by your government
officials, to sanctions on particular items, to a total embargo, to an

In this particular case, I think the appropriate response is a large number of messages telling Google/YouTube that we think their response was inappropriate, especially for a firm with the motto, "Don't be evil".

And, frankly, I'm starting to think that the appropriate response to some of these pipsqueak countries -- that think they should be able to set rules for the whole internet -- is an internet death sentence. Stop routing packets to and from those countries. This should be led by the US and followed by Canada, Europe and Japan. If they want their own little internet with no "objectionable" content, let them have it, but keep them out of the global network.

  [ Now now, let's not start lobbing death sentences around like
    footballs.  But this story does bring together a number of
    key issues that touch on network neutrality in one way or another.
    I'll expand on this in the next message coming down the line ...

            -- Lauren Weinstein
               NNSquad Moderator ]