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[ NNSquad ] ISP Filtering Project

Hi All,

Net Neutrality is a hot topic. Most of the attention right now is fixated on traffic tampering. While the ISPs use of packet resets to stop torrent seeders seemed to be what made people take notice of this issue, ISPs have been filtering certain TCP/UDP ports for years. The list of filtered ports silently grows and is rarely disclosed before a user commits to paying for "unlimited" Internet access.

I have a lot of good data from fiends and colleagues but I'd like to expand my sample test. The results I get from the site below will shape where this project goes.

If you'd like to help me by testing your ISP please visit http://portscan.us.

A couple of notes:
- Internet Explorer is recommend. (Firefox is optional if you must change its configuration)
- If you are behind a firewall or router of any kind you can only participate in the outbound filter test.