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[ NNSquad ] Re: [ PRIVACY ] Would You Know if Your ISP Tampered With Your Web Pages?

Hash: SHA512

Kevin McArthur wrote:
|    [ A couple of issues.  First, while RFC 1864 states that only the
|      originator is supposed to create such headers, in a non-encrypted
|      environment there is no obvious way to enforce this rule, absent other
|      mechanisms.  Therefore, header substitution would still be possible,

Well, I created mod_openpgp (apache extension) and a firefox plugin (enigform) that implement some
OpenPGP extensions to http...

When I hit version 1.0.0 for both mod_openpgp and enigform, I'll have this complete set of features:

1) OpenPGP-signed requests (functional)
2) OpenPGP-signed responses (not started yet, been working on item 4)
3) Browser and Server-side verification of those signatures (server-side implemented)
4) An OpenPGP-based session management system (already functional, some apache functionality is
still missing, but mainly because I'm working on another project right now)
5) Encrypted requests/responses (server-side support for encrypted requests is 90% done, thanks to
Kevin Kiley [author of mod_gzip]).

I know it's not perfect for every scenario, but well, I woke up one day in the middle of the night
with with "GET /" and "BEGIN PGP" on my head, so I had to implement it :P

- --
Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman
BUSCO Baterista para estilo brit-pop Zona Norte BsAs
Independent Security Consultant - SANS - OISSG
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
