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[ NNSquad ] Re: Google Hijacked -- Major ISP to Intercept and Modify Web Pages

Joshua Smith wrote:
> ...Imagine if other
> industries did something similar.  Think about a trucking company
> modifying every piece of freight on one of their trucks.  No body
> would argue that those actions were acceptable.

An alternate view, if I may....
Imagine if American Airlines attached an AA tag to every piece of
luggage they carried....

This is the way the carriers will play it; happens all the time,
and to non-technical people this will make sense.

Slashdot carried a similar story back in 2003:

"The router would grab a random HTTP connection every eight hours
and redirect it to Belkinâs (push) advertised web page."

If I recall correctly, the senior person responsible for making
this decision was eventually fired. But it did leave me with the
impression that even the relatively clued techno-geeks at
slashdot had problems understanding what the issue was.

Steve Holton