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[ NNSquad ] Re: Privacy of raw data

On Wed, 14 Nov 2007, Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com> wrote:

There's a point here that needs to be discussed early on. While there are folks posting incident reports on the NNS Forum already, and that is likely to be the primary reporting mechanism at first, in the long run when we're talking about large amounts of data -- and automated data -- my view is that the raw data itself cannot be made public without review and initial confidence characterization.

Of course any individual may, on their own, publish results of a run of a test program. I agree NNSquad should not allow promiscuous use of the NNSquad web pages.

This project may be viewed with considerable disdain in some quarters. It is not unlikely that efforts will be made to discredit the project by "seeding" it with falsified data with the intent that such data be made public.

I dislike having to take this view right at the start, but I feel
that it is both logical and prudent, given the various forces
in play.

NNSquad Moderator

It is not clear to me that there need be any official NNSquad reports. Rather NNSquad might help develop and improve an art which we who are for the Net can use to show what the Net is, why we want to keep it, and how and where our Net is under attack.
